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Missing People Sweden

Missing People Sweden is a non-profit organization that helps relatives and the police to publish searches and arrange search operations for missing people. Today, Missing People Sweden is a nationwide organization with about twenty regional branches around the country. The core of the organization are all the volunteers who give their time to help in the search for missing people. The vision is that no one should disappear, but be found.

Here you can read more about the fantastic job Missing People Sweden does.

Grabbarna Flytt and Missing People Sweden began a collaboration in 2020. The collaboration is based on Grabbarna Flytt offering its services free of charge to Missing People Sweden, as they are in need of logistical solutions and services. As Missing People Sweden is a non-profit organization with volunteers who stand up to help the public, we feel that this is something we are also happy to support and help in the best way we can.

If you are a similar organization and in need of a similar arrangement, get in touch with us and we will check out how we can help you!



Do you need help with smaller installations or a round to the recycling center, let us know and we'll handle it!